On Sat, Jul 06, 2013 at 04:31:49PM +0800, Godbach wrote:
> I've got what you meant. Once allocated from system, haproxy will not 
> release the memory until it receives SIGQUIT or does soft stop. If less 
> memory during running is expected, just decrease the maxconn.
> In addition, can I consider that dlmalloc can be used to instead of 
> CALLOC/MALLOC as your own suggestion to maintain better memory 
> management in production.

Yes, and for this you just need to put dlmalloc.c to a location pointed to
by DLMALLOC_SRC (default: src/dlmalloc.c) and build using USE_DLMALLOC=1 :

  cp ~/dlmalloc.c src/
  make TARGET=linux2628 USE_DLMALLOC=1

That said, the only benefit (which is important in my usage) is that the
calls to free() upon SIGQUIT or SIGUSR1 will really release the unused
memory, while with traditional malloc(), it will only happen once the
top of the memory is released.


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