Hi Jim,

The client sent a request over HTTP and HAProxy todl him to come back
using HTTPS (status code 302 generated by HAProxy, frontend name not
suffixed by a tild '~' which means connection in clear).

So no problem at all here.
and LR code is normal in such situation, no resources exhaustion.


On Wed, Aug 7, 2013 at 5:10 AM, Jim Alateras <j...@comware.com.au> wrote:
> We are looking at using HAProxy for SSL termination and dropping our reliance 
> on nginx. IIt seems to work for some instances but for others i get the 
> following type of others
> Aug  7 12:08:31 localhost haproxy[15807]: 
> [07/Aug/2013:12:08:31.191] http_global_secure http_global_secure/<NOSRV> 
> 10/-1/-1/-1/10 302 170 - - LR-- 2/2/0/0/0 0/0 "GET 
> /service/vizs/action/exec?media=json&_=1375837124050 HTTP/1.1"
> Aug  7 12:08:43 localhost haproxy[15807]: 
> [07/Aug/2013:12:08:43.845] http_global_secure http_global_secure/<NOSRV> 
> 0/-1/-1/-1/0 302 133 - - LR-- 2/2/0/0/0 0/0 "POST /ringo/observations 
> HTTP/1.1"
> which from the documentation indicate some sort of resource exhaustion 
> problem 'LR'
> Here is my configuration
> global
>   log local0
>   maxconn 4096
>   user haproxy
>   group haproxy
>   daemon
> defaults
>   mode http
>   log global
>   maxconn 4096
>   option dontlognull
>   option redispatch
>   timeout connect 5s
>   timeout client 30s
>   timeout server 30s
> frontend http_global_insecure
>   bind :80
>   bind :443 ssl crt /etc/haproxy/server.pem
>   mode http
>   option forwardfor
>   option http-server-close
>   option httplog
>   reqadd X-Forwarded-Proto:\ https
>   redirect scheme https if !{ ssl_fc }
>   acl ringo_url path_beg /ringo
>   acl phoenix_url path_beg /phoenix
>   acl athena_url path_beg /athena
>   acl william_url path_beg /william
>   acl blowfish_url path_beg /blowfish
>   acl lenny_url path_beg /lenny
>   use_backend ringo_server if ringo_url
>   use_backend phoenix_server if phoenix_url
>   use_backend athena_server if athena_url
>   use_backend william_server if william_url
>   use_backend blowfish_server if blowfish_url
>   use_backend lenny_server if lenny_url
>   default_backend ringo_server
> frontend blowfish_tcp
>   bind :35718
>   mode tcp
>   timeout client 300s
>   backlog 4096
>   maxconn 50000
>   default_backend blowfish_tcp_servers
> backend blowfish_tcp_servers
>   mode tcp
>   option log-health-checks
>   option redispatch
>   option tcplog
>   server blowfish_tcp1
>   timeout connect 1s
>   timeout queue 5s
>   timeout server 3600s
> backend ringo_server
>   server ringo1 maxconn 512
> backend phoenix_server
>   server phoenix1 maxconn 512
> backend athena_server
>   server athena1 maxconn 512
> backend william_server
>   server william1 maxconn 512
> backend blowfish_server
>   reqirep ^([^\ ]*)\ /blowfish/(.*)     \1\ /\2
>   server blowfish1 maxconn 512
> backend lenny_server
>   reqirep ^([^\ ]*)\ /lenny/(.*)     \1\ /\2
>   server lenny1 maxconn 512
> Any thoughts, why i might be getting those errorsa.
> cheers
> </jima>

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