Hi, no unfortunately, it is the OpenAM sample apache policy agent. None of it 
is my
code but if I have time I'll see if I can track it down and submit a bug report 
to them.

In the mean time, I found that their sample Tomcat policy agent doesn't exhibit 
same problem so I'll use that in my evaluation. Incidentally, I did try using 
TCP mode of haproxy and that seems to work ok with the broken Apache 2.2


p.s. thanks for all who helped on this.
----- Original Message -----
From: Willy Tarreau
Sent: 09/15/13 02:44 AM
To: Lukas Tribus
Subject: Re: Receiving 403 errors with no attempt to communicate with the 
actual server

Hi Lukas, On Fri, Sep 13, 2013 at 07:41:13PM +0200, Lukas Tribus wrote: > Hi! > 
> > > Wouldn't the extra '\r' be swallowed as part of the 'text/xml' value of > 
> the Accept: header? > > Yes, but \r is not allowed as character in header 
values either. > > > The question was rather, can we make haproxy ignore this 
with > option accept-invalid-http-request > > Looks like we cannot. Indeed it 
will not accept it. This option mostly unlocks the syntax filtering on places 
where it is not critical (eg: forbidden characters in header names, such as 
'/'). But characters which break the framing are not unlockable. The only 
character allowed after a CR is LF, this is a two-character sequence for an end 
of line, we must absolutely not allow half an end of line to pass through 
because random behaviours will happen. > > Whatever the way your turning this, 
the server doesn't respect rfc, > > that's all. > > Fix the broken server > > 
Fix the application, as simple as that, yes. I even doubt i
 t's the application, I suspect some crap was inserted between the client and 
the server to insert the two lines before an end of line to force these 
headers, but doing it before the LF fails for the reason we're seeing (or that 
hack should be modified for not inserting the CR anymore). Willy

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