Hi Chris,

My answers inline.

On Mon, Oct 21, 2013 at 10:57 PM, Chris <bludge...@gmail.com> wrote:
> - If any of these domains and subdomains are called with http://, they need
> to be redirected to https://

# redirect http to https when connection is not ciphered
http-request redirect scheme https if !{ ssl_fc } { hdr(host)
www.test.com broker.test.com eclose.test.com images.test.com }

> - If a call comes in just to test.com, it needs to be redirected to https
> www.test.com:443

# redirect text.com:80 to https://www.test.com:443
http-request redirect prefix https://www.test.com if !{ ssl_fc } {
hdr(host) test.com }

> - Sessions need to stay alive after being offloaded to the backend web
> servers to port 80 on them.  (Session keepalive or stickiness?)

do you mean persistence or connection keepalives ???

> - images.test.com does not need to have SSL offloaded and I'm wondering if I
> should incorporate this into haproxy at all, maybe for load balancing at
> some point, this seems like a good idea)

well, this is not what you asked in your first question, you wanted to
offload SSL on all your domains.
That said, I agree, ciphering images (usually) is useless.

# redirect http to https when connection is not ciphered
http-request redirect scheme https if !{ ssl_fc } { hdr(host)
www.test.com broker.test.com eclose.test.com }

since images.test.com is not in the list, the traffic will be accepted
on port 80.

> defaults
>     mode http
>     maxconn 512
>     option dontlognull
>     option http-server-close
>     retries 3
>     contimeout 60000
>     clitimeout 60000
>     srvtimeout 60000
> frontend haproxy_http
>     bind
>     timeout client 86400000
>     acl is_test hdr_end(host) -i www.test.com
>     acl is_broker_test hdr_end(host) -i broker.test.com
>     acl is_eclose_test  hdr_end(host) -i eclose.test.com
>     acl is_images_test  hdr_end(host)  -i images.test.com
      # redirect http to https when connection is not ciphered
      http-request redirect scheme https if !{ ssl_fc } { hdr(host)
www.test.com broker.test.com eclose.test.com images.test.com }
       # redirect text.com:80 to https://www.test.com:443
      http-request redirect prefix https://www.test.com if !{ ssl_fc }
{ hdr(host) test.com }

     use_backend is_images_test if { hdr(host) images.test.com }

> frontend haproxy_https
>     bind ssl crt /etc/haproxy/certs/wildcard.pem
>     log-format %ci:%cp\ [%t]\ %ft\ %b/%s\ %Tq/%Tw/%Tc/%Tr/%Tt\ %ST\ %B\ %CC\
> %CS\ %tsc\ %ac/%fc/%bc/%sc/%rc\ %sq/%bq\ %hr\ %hs\
> {%[ssl_c_verify],%{+Q}[ssl_c_s_dn],{+Q[ssl_c_i_dn]}\ %{+Q}r
>     acl is_test_https hdr_end(host) -i www.test.com
>     acl is_broker_test_https hdr_end(host) -i broker.test.com
>     acl is_eclose_test_https hdr_end(host) -i eclose.test.com
>     use_backend         is_test_https_backend if  is_test_https
>     use_backend         is_broker_https_backend    if  is_broker_test_https
>     use_backend         is_eclose_https_backend  if is_eclose_test_https
> # backends
> backend is_test_https_backend
>     mode http
>     balance source
>     option http-server-close
>     server server1
>     server server2
> backend is_broker_https_backend
>     mode http
>     balance source
>     option http-server-close
>     server server1
>     server server2
> backend is_eclose_https_backend
>     mode http
>     balance source
>     option http-server-close
>     server server1
>     server server2
> backend is_images_test
>     mode http
>     balance source
>     option http-server-close
>     server server1
>     server server2
> I think I'm close, but just not sure if I'm sanely doing things.  I've tried
> to put piece of information together from several different posts around the
> Internet, but I have found nothing that is concise enough to really make me
> understand what I'm doing wrong.
> Thank you SO much,
> Chris

configuration out of my head, with no testing, but should work.


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