Haven't tried that one recently, but found http://master.formilux.org/git/people/willy/haproxy.git to be a bit faster and at least completing the clone without an error. Maybe it helps.
Greets PiBa-NL

Pawel schreef op 28-11-2013 4:33:

On Nov 27, 2013, at 5:24 PM, Charles Strahan <charles.c.stra...@gmail.com <mailto:charles.c.stra...@gmail.com>> wrote:


Just a heads up, I can't clone the repo. This hangs:

     git clone http://git.1wt.eu/git/haproxy.git/

It's just really slow for the first clone, but it works. I ran it with strace -f, and left it overnight :)


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