On 1 December 2013 13:20, Lukas Tribus <luky...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> I'm not sure what libvirt exactly does and how/why it affects performance

I don't believe libvirt is the issue, as it's merely an orchestration
abstraction over the top of a variety of hypervisors.

I think XuXinkun merely means s/he's running under virtualisation, and
is surprised at the performance degradation observed in that setup.

XuXinkun - the extent to which your performance will degrade when
running under virtualisation will not only depend on coarse factors
such as the hypervisor used and the resource allocation you specify,
but also on a *wide* array of low-level tuning parameters at the
hypervisor, network IO, disk IO, kernel, application and HAProxy

I'm not the best person to help you with tuning these - others on list
may choose to. I *strongly* (STRONGLY!) suggest you browse this list's
archives to find information that's come up in the past on this exact
topic. This list is archived in a few different places - once such
place is here: http://marc.info/?l=haproxy

Jonathan Matthews
Oxford, London, UK

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