
We recently needed an ACL to match a request's SNI host against a suffix (i.e. 
create an ACL to match *.my.domain.com against the SNI hostname).
I was surprised to find out that req_ssl_sni had no search wrappers like _end 
and _reg. 
I saw that adding them was really trivial (kudos!) and I think they might be 
useful for other users as well.

The patch to add req_ssl_sni_end is attached and was done against a vanilla 
1.5dev19. I didn't make a patch for req_ssl_sni_reg but it looks pretty trivial.

I'd appreciate  if one of the developers could give me a nod that it looks okay 
and maybe add it to 1.5dev22 :-)

Noam Liran

Attachment: haproxy-req_ssl_sni_dev.patch
Description: haproxy-req_ssl_sni_dev.patch

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