Hello !

I checked the apache configuration and they are folllowing
SSLSessionCache        "shmcb:/usr/local/apache2/logs/ssl_scache(512000)"
SSLSessionCacheTimeout  300

Additional information and qustions

I was thinking my be something is worng with my firewall/haproxy setup  ?!
Physical server acts as iptables firelwall  which with two ethernet  interfaces 
- one is external (Internet side) -eth0 on one internal interface eth4.  I 
configured ip tables firewall wich has inside the haproxy which listens on 
internal interface (eth4).. It has  NAT and port translation rule : All who 
make connections to to port 443 they fall in to 
port 4431 . On haproxy listens on this port 4431.(frontend). I have also Access 
list wich control of Access to port 4431.
There is aslo similar NAT - and port transalation rule for http traffic to help 
to direct traffic to https site. There are also two  JBoss servers which are 
access through firewall (haproxy) and has in front apache web servers mod_proxy 
whith AJP . In the JBoss java application server runs application with identity 
card http://www.id.ee authentification on apache web servers. Identity card 
authentification works currently correctly only with haproxy source ip address 
stickiness using roundrobin loadbalancing mode. Then i use ssl session id 
stickines haproxy configuration then sticness do not work properly  and  
identity card logins  do not work porperly or we can login but  login would be 
soon lost etc.  is ip address where haproxy frontends are tcp ports 81 ,4431 
listening is ip address one of web servers is ip address one of web servers
Server  Ethernet  interfaces has his own ip address.

What server  interfaces must i use with tcpdump to collect information to 
troublesohuot  ssl sessioon id  ?

My haproxy configuration again:

 log     global
 option tcplog
 option  dontlognull
 retries 3
 option redispatch
 option splice-auto
 timeout connect 5000ms
 timeout client 50000ms
 timeout server 50000ms
 option tcp-smart-accept
# option tcp-smart-connect

frontend etlive_http
 mode http
 redirect location https://eteenindus.mnt.ee/eteenused/main.jsf

frontend etlive_https
 option tcplog
 maxconn 10000
 log global
 default_backend etlive_https

 backend etlive_https
 mode tcp
# option ssl-hello-chk
# option  httpchk GET /test.html
 option tcplog
 balance roundrobin

    stick-table type binary len 32 size 30k expire 30m

    acl clienthello req_ssl_hello_type 1
    acl serverhello rep_ssl_hello_type 2

    # use tcp content accepts to detects ssl client and server hello.
    tcp-request inspect-delay 5s
    tcp-request content accept if clienthello

    # no timeout on response inspect delay by default.
    tcp-response content accept if serverhello

    # SSL session ID (SSLID) may be present on a client or server hello.
    # Its length is coded on 1 byte at offset 43 and its value starts
    # at offset 44.

    # Match and learn on request if client hello.
    stick on payload_lv(43,1) if clienthello

    # Learn on response if server hello.
    stick store-response payload_lv(43,1) if serverhello

 server etlive1 check maxconn 5000
 server etlive2 check maxconn 5000

Lauri-Alo Adamson
AS Andmevara

-----Original Message-----
From: Lukas Tribus [mailto:luky...@hotmail.com] 
Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2014 9:57 PM
To: Lauri-Alo Adamson; haproxy@formilux.org
Subject: RE: HA-Proxy version 1.5-dev21-51437d2 2013/12/29 sticky ssl sessons 
are not working in my environment


> My web servers contain text file wich contain name of that server.
> Then put following line to web browser https://X.X.X.X/index.txt and 
> browse this page it displays server name One server file index.txt 
> contains server name etee-live1 and other server the file contains 
> this server name etee-live2. If affinity works browser displays always 
> the same server name and then in the sticky tabel must contain one entry.
> But in my SSL affinity case web browser displays once one server name 
> and on the other refresh browser displays other server name . Then i 
> look sticky table it displays two entries but in then SSL affinity - 
> (SSL sticky session) case there must be one entry.
> My sticky table displys:
> echo "show table etlive_https" | socat 
> unix-connect:/var/run/haproxy.stat stdio # table: etlive_https, type: 
> binary, size:30720, used:2
> 0x17eddd4: 
> key=7D4CD359DDAB9F3F7F976E7A995045670FFF0118FDDB72773165273BE6DA16FA 
> use=0 exp=1778829 server_id=2
> 0x17ee1d4: 
> key=905273E4AC943682F48106A6BD07777486F8FD60F8B80E4860FE7032F7D69DC2 
> use=0 exp=1783937 server_id=1

That sounds like your apache backend server doesn't actually cache the session.

> If undestood you correctly you suspect that SSL sessions are changing 
> all the time. What software is responsible changing SSL sessioon ID - 
> browser , Apache web server ?!

The Apache backend server (the browsers you mentioned all reuse the SSL session 
ID by default).

> Person who configred these apache server ensures that these things are 
> working

Please double check with that person that the configuration directives 
SSLSessionCache [1] and SSLSessionCacheTimeout [2] are properly configured.

It looks like Apache by default does not cache at all. Also you can try with 
Vincent's test tool at [3] whether session resumption is actually done or not.



[1] http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/mod_ssl.html#sslsessioncache
[2] http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/mod_ssl.html#sslsessioncachetimeout
[3] https://github.com/vincentbernat/rfc5077/blob/master/rfc5077-client.c       

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