
I'm using haproxy as load balancer for two servers. The servers allow https 
communication. To check whether or not a backend server is down, I wrote a 
healthcheck web site that is accessible via http://server_ip:8888/healthcheck 
as well as https://server_ip:18888/healthcheck. The site responses OK if 
everthing is Ok. 

When I configured haproxy to use HTTPS for healthcheck 
(https://server_ip:18888/healthcheck), haproxy does not recognize that a 
backend server is down. My configuration looks like this:

backend https_backend
        mode tcp
        balance roundrobin
        option httpchk /healthcheck
        http-check expect string OK
        server backend_server_1 server_ip:18888 check-ssl
        server backend_server_2 server_ip:18888 check-ssl

However, when I use HTTP for healtheck (http://server_ip:8888/healthcheck) 
everything works fine. My configuration looks like this

backend https_backend
        mode tcp
        balance roundrobin
        option httpchk /healthcheck
        http-check expect string OK
        server backend_server_1 server_ip:18888 check port 8888 
        server backend_server_2 server_ip:18888 check port 8888

What do I miss?

Best regards,


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