Hu Dmitry,

In Post, the parameters are in the body.
You may be able to match them using the payload ACLs (HAProxy 1.5 only).


On Thu, Jan 30, 2014 at 4:20 PM, Dmitry Sivachenko <> wrote:
> Hello!
> (haproxy-1.5-dev21)
> Using urlp() I can match specific parameter value and dispatch request to 
> different backends based on that value:
> acl PARAM1 urlp(test) 1
> use_backend BE1-back if PARAM1
> acl PARAM2 urlp(test) 2
> use_backend BE2-back if PARAM2
> It works if I specify that parameter using GET method:
> curl 'http://localhost:20000/do?test=1'
> But it does not work if I specify the same parameter using POST method:
> curl -d test=1  'http://localhost:20000/do'
> Is there any way to make ACLs using request parameters regardless of method, 
> so that it works with both GET and POST?
> Thanks!

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