2 related questions:

I'm trying to find a way to concat multiple samples to use in a stick table.
Basically in my frontend I pattern match on the request path to
determine which backend to send a request to. The client requests also
have a client ID header. I want to rate limit based on a combination of
this pattern that matched, and the client ID. Currently the way I do
this is an "http-request set-header" rule that adds a new header
combining a unique ID for the pattern that matched along with the
client-ID header. Then in the backend I have a "tcp-requst content
track-sc2" on that header. This works, but I'm wondering if there's a
better way.

Secondly, the above works, but when I do a "show table mybackend" on the
stats socket, both the "conn_cur" and "use" counters never decrease.
They seem to be acting as the total number of requests, not the number
of active connections. Is this a bug, or am I misunderstanding something?


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