This just keeps coming back to bug me. I don't think the client closing
the connection should result in a 5XX code. 5XX should indicate a server
issue, and the client closing the connection before the server has a
chance to respond isn't a server issue. Only if the server doesn't
respond within the configured timeout should it be a 5XX.

Nginx uses 499 for "client closed connection". Perhaps haproxy could use
that status code as well when `option abortonclose` is used.


*From: *Patrick Hemmer <>
*Sent: * 2014-04-02 15:50:22 E
*To: *
*Subject: *Re: haproxy intermittently not connecting to backend

> That makes perfect sense. Thank you very much.
> -Patrick
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From: *Willy Tarreau <>
> *Sent: * 2014-04-02 15:38:04 E
> *To: *Patrick Hemmer <>
> *CC: *
> *Subject: *Re: haproxy intermittently not connecting to backend
>> Hi Patrick,
>> On Tue, Apr 01, 2014 at 03:20:15PM -0400, Patrick Hemmer wrote:
>>> We have an issue with haproxy (1.5-dev22-1a34d57) where it is
>>> intermittently not connecting to the backend server. However the
>>> behavior it is exhibiting seems strange.
>>> The reason I say strange is that in one example, it logged that the
>>> client disconnected after ~49 seconds with a connection flags of "CC--".
>>> However our config has "timeout connect 5000", so it should have timed
>>> out connecting to the backend server after 5 seconds. Additionally we
>>> have "retries 3" in the config, so upon timing out, it should have tried
>>> another backend server, but it never did (the retries counter in the log
>>> shows "0").
>> No, retries impacts only retries to the same server, it's "option redispatch"
>> which allows the last retry to be performed on another server. But you have
>> it anyway.
>>> At the time of this log entry, the backend server is responding
>>> properly. For the ~49 seconds prior to the log entry, the backend server
>>> has taken other requests. The backend server is also another haproxy
>>> (same version).
>>> Here's an example of one such log entry:
>> [fixed version pasted here]
>>> api~ platform-push/i-84d931a5 49562/0/-1/-1/49563 
>>> 0/0/0/0/0 0/0 691/212 503 CC-- 4F8E-4624 + GET 
>>> /1/sync/notifications/subscribe?sync_box_id=12496&sender=D7A9F93D-F653-4527-A022-383AD55A1943
>>>  HTTP/1.1
>> OK in fact the client did not wait 49 seconds. If you look closer, you'll
>> see that the client remained silent for 49 seconds (typically a connection
>> pool or a preconnect) and closed immediately after sending the request (in
>> the same millisecond). Since you have "option abortonclose", the connection
>> was aborted before the server had a chance to respond.
>> So I can easily imagine that you randomly get this error, you're in a race
>> condition, if the server responds immediately, you win the race and the
>> request is handled, otherwise it's aborted.
>> Please start by removing "option abortonclose", I think it will fix the 
>> issue.
>> Second thing you can do is to remove "option httpclose" or replace it with
>> "option http-server-close" which is active and not just passive. The 
>> connections
>> will last less time on your servers which is always appreciated.
>> I'm not seeing any other issue, so with just this you should be fine.
>>> The log format is defined as:
>>> %ci:%cp\ %ft\ %b/%s\ %Tq/%Tw/%Tc/%Tr/%Tt\ %ac/%fc/%bc/%sc/%rc\ %sq/%bq\
>>> %U/%B\ %ST\ %tsc\ %ID\ +\ %r
>>> Running a "show errors" on the stats socket did not return any relevant
>>> results.
>>> Here's the relevant portions of the haproxy config. It is not the entire
>>> thing as the whole config is 1,513 lines long.
>>> global
>>>   log local0
>>>   maxconn 20480
>>>   user haproxy
>>>   group haproxy
>>>   daemon
>>>   stats socket /var/run/hapi/haproxy/haproxy.sock level admin
>>> defaults
>>>   log global
>>>   mode http
>>>   option httplog
>>>   option dontlognull
>>>   option log-separate-errors
>>>   retries 3
>>>   option redispatch
>>>   timeout connect 5000
>>>   timeout client 60000
>>>   timeout server 170000
>>>   option clitcpka
>>>   option srvtcpka
>>>   option abortonclose
>>>   option splice-auto
>>>   monitor-uri /haproxy/ping
>>>   stats enable
>>>   stats uri /haproxy/stats
>>>   stats refresh 15
>>>   stats auth user:pass
>>> frontend api
>>>   bind *:80
>>>   bind *:443 ssl crt /etc/haproxy/server.pem
>>>   maxconn 20000
>>>   option httpclose
>>>   option forwardfor
>>>   acl internal src
>>>   acl have_request_id req.fhdr(X-Request-Id) -m found
>>>   http-request set-nice -100 if internal
>>>   http-request add-header X-API-URL %[path] if !internal
>>>   http-request add-header X-Request-Timestamp %Ts.%ms
>>>   http-request add-header X-Request-Id %[req.fhdr(X-Request-Id)] if
>>> internal have_request_id
>>>   http-request set-header X-Request-Id %{+X}o%pid-%rt if !internal ||
>>> !have_request_id
>>>   http-request add-header X-API-Host i-4a3b1c6a
>>>   unique-id-format %{+X}o%pid-%rt
>>>   log-format %ci:%cp\ %ft\ %b/%s\ %Tq/%Tw/%Tc/%Tr/%Tt\
>>> %ac/%fc/%bc/%sc/%rc\ %sq/%bq\ %U/%B\ %ST\ %tsc\ %ID\ +\ %r
>>>   default_backend DEFAULT_404
>>>   acl rewrite-found req.hdr(X-Rewrite-ID,1) -m found
>>>   acl nqXn_path path_reg ^/1/sync/notifications/subscribe/([^\ ?]*)$
>>>   http-request set-header X-Rewrite-Id nqXn if !rewrite-found nqXn_path
>>> nqXn_method
>>>   acl rewrite-nqXn req.hdr(X-Rewrite-Id) -m str nqXn
>>>   use_backend platform-push if rewrite-nqXn
>>> /1/sync/notifications/subscribe/([^\ ?]*)([\ ?].*|$) \1\
>>> /1/sync/subscribe/\2\3 if rewrite-nqXn
>>> backend platform-push
>>>   option httpchk GET /ping
>>>   default-server inter 15s fastinter 1s
>>>   server i-6eaf724d check observe layer4
>>>   server i-84d931a5 check observe layer4
>> Regards,
>> Willy

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