Hello Willy,

Nice speak at FRnOG 22 :)

>> This patch adds standardized (rfc 2409 / rfc 3526) DH parameters with
>> prime lengths of 1024, 2048, 3072, 4096, 6144 and 8192 bits, based on
>> the private key size. As of now, static DH parameters of 1024 bits are
>> used when no custom DH parameters are provided in the cert file,
>> effectively reducing the strength of the key exchange to 1024 bits even
>> when the private key is stronger than that.
> (...)
> Great, thank you. I'm just having a question, since I'm seeing a number
> of openssl functions involved, have you tried them with multiple versions
> to ensure that we don't need to add some extra #ifdefs in order not to
> break build on older libs ? Please at least check on openssl-0.9.8 (I
> think it's in RHEL5).

Yes, all functions exists in at least 0.9.8a. The most recently added
ones are get_rfcXXXX_prime_YYYY(), which have been present since 0.9.8a
(released 11 Oct 2005).

If you think it may be an issue, I will gladly add the missing #ifdefs,
but as even Debian 5 and RHEL 5 have an OpenSSL >= 0.9.8a, I am not sure
it is needed.

Rémi Gacogne

Aqua Ray
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