    The new feature to dynamically select a backend has been going great for me.
I use it like this and it all works like a charm :

use_backend bk_%[hdr(host),host_to_backend.mapfile] if TRUE

Now I need help with a situation. Some of the servers meant for a particular 
hostname need path replacement. i.e. reqrep/resrep.
e.g. I have a set of 5 servers. While three of them need to be balanced for any 
<hostname>/service1 requests, the other two need to be load balanced for 
<hostname>/service2 requests. How can I dynamically choose between two backends 
depending on hostname+path_beg?

Can I use something like this?

use_backend bk_%[hdr(host),host_to_backend.mapfile]_%[path] 

where a request to <hostname>/service1 would mean look for a backend named 
Clearly it will not work like that because <hostname>/service1/login.php will 
break the backend lookup.

Advice/suggestions please. Thanks.

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