
over the last 10 days we tested how much traffic one server with haproxy-1.5dev25 could take and yesterday we've managed to saturate one machine to the point where the load was equal to the number of real cores in the machine and the listening queues began to fill up.

We're running on a 12 core Intel Xeon E5-2620 v2 2.10GHz with 32GB of RAM and with two Intel i350 dual port network cards. One for public IP, the other one for the LAN.

At the point when the listening queues filled up we had about 76000 open sockets, a connection rate of 4800/s and about 68Mbit/s of traffic.

System and interrupt load was quite low all the time and the haproxy processes were at about 80% CPU

Our traffic is half HTTPS, half HTTP - coming from all over the world with all kinds of latencies and with rather short lived but burst like sessions.

I guess there are still optimizations possible and we'll try to find them but so far we're happy with the results.

Maybe someone here can comment whether they think these are good number or if we should be able to push much more through one machine.

Kind regards, John

John-Paul Bader | Software Development

wooga GmbH | Saarbruecker Str. 38 | D-10405 Berlin
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Berlin; HRB 117846 B
Registergericht Berlin-Charlottenburg
Geschaeftsfuehrung: Jens Begemann, Philipp Moeser

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