
I am trying to figure out what the effect of adding the `cookie` option to
a `server` config line is. According to this chunk of documentation:


"This value will be checked in incoming requests, and the first

operational server possessing the same value will be selected."

However, doesn't this require me enabling a cookie load balancing
algorithm? What I mean is, if I don't explicitly set any load balancing
algorithm and the default (roundrobin) is chosen, it seems as though
setting the cookie actually as no effect.

In fact, setting the cookie should have no effect unless I specify
`appsession`, `cookie`, or `balance uri` (or one of the other persistent
`balance` algorithms) in a backend. Is that correct?

Another way to phrase the question: is it true that the two listen stanzas
below actually behave identically in every respect? The only change is the
addition of the `cookie` param to each server.

listen helloworld
        bind :80
        mode http
        option httplog
        server srv1 check inter 1s rise 1 fall 1
        server srv2 check inter 1s rise 1 fall 1


listen helloworld
        bind :80
        mode http
        option httplog
        server srv1 check inter 1s rise 1 fall 1 cookie srv1
        server srv2 check inter 1s rise 1 fall 1 cookie srv2


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