I have noticed that when I restart/reload haproxy, haproxymarks the servers in 
the backends as up without ever checking them.

So traffic is being sent to the backend server even while the backend server is 
actually down.  This occurs until the first health check fails on the server 
and haproxy marks the server as down.

I realize that changing the interval to something lower would mask this problem 
but I don’t want to flood my server with health checks. 

I would expect haproxy to treat the server as down until the health checks 
passes.  (guilty until proven innocence).  Again this is only upon 

I am wondering if this is an bug in haproxy or a configuration issue on my 
part.  Is there something missing from my config?

My backend is below

backend SiteMonitor
    mode http
    option httpchk GET /healthcheck
    http-check expect string all_good
    server main-server rise 1 fall 1 maxconn 2 check inter 10s



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