Hi folks,

I am writing a simple load balancer as a service to automate haproxy
configuration while providing a simple API to users, who only need to give
a few simple specifications of the load balancer they want.

I am trying to decide whether to run multiple haproxy instances or a single
instance on a particular node. I currently use jinja2 template to combine
all services into a single haproxy configuration file and run a single
instance of haproxy. Every time, when a service spec is changed, I run
check config mode, and only reload the config if the test passes. But I
fear that a single incorrect service spec would prevent everyone else from
updating their services, unless I maintain some last-known good config for
every service.

Managing one haproxy instance for every service solves this problem, but I
might end up with too many processes on a single box.

Any recommendations on which way to go? Is there a recommended max number
of haproxy instances per node/core?


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