2014-09-04 14:33 GMT+02:00 bjun...@gmail.com <bjun...@gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> i'm using the following in a backend to rate-limit spider or bad
> behavior clients:
> backend be_spider
>     tcp-request inspect-delay 2000ms
>     tcp-request content accept if WAIT_END
>     server node01 maxconn {LOWVALUE}
> If now an abuser/spider/crawler is making many requests at the same
> time/same second, all requests are delayed for xxxx ms. But if the
> delay is over, all requests are bursting anyway at the same point in
> time.
> What i want to do is to set the inspect-delay in a random fashion for
> every request (for example in a range from 1000ms - 2000ms) to
> distribute the requests over a timeframe and absorb immensive bursts.
> The overall backend capacity is limited with a low maxconn value, but
> i have to control bursts of requests also.
> Is this possible or is there a different method to accomplish this ?
> -----------
> Bjoern


if this is not possible, i would like to propose this as a feature (if
this is a valid feature request).


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