On Thu, Sep 18, 2014 at 11:23 PM, Tobias Gunkel <tobias.gun...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Baptiste,
>> Do you have a 'peer' section in haproxy's configuration file?
> No. I thought this is for replicating stick-tables between remote servers,
> but I have only one server.
> But I'll have a look at the docs anyways, maybe this will fit my needs.
>> Also, why don't you simply set up a stick table size big enough for your
>> needs?
> I use stick-tables to limit access to a site based on the client ip address,
> independently from connection rate etc.
> So the size of the stick-table represents the pool of available slots to the
> site, which I eventually want to increase later at run time (if the server
> load allows it).
> -Tobi

Hi Tobias,

Please don't forget to Cc the ML, unless there are private information
in your email.
'peer' section is also used to synchronize data between HAProxy
processes, when HAProxy is reloaded.
You should use it. create a 'peer' section and don't forget to use the
'peers' directive on the stick-table definition.

concerning the stick-table size, you have acls which allows you to
retrieve the number of entries in a table and so you can take allow or
deny decision based on this.
That said, you may have to reload HAProxy to update the number of
entries the ACL should allow.
Not sure there is a simple solution there.


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