On 31.10.2014 10:05, Willy Tarreau wrote:
> Hi Dennis,
> On Fri, Oct 31, 2014 at 12:51:21AM +0100, Dennis Jacobfeuerborn wrote:
>> On 30.10.2014 19:01, Dennis Jacobfeuerborn wrote:
>> ...
>>> [30/Oct/2014:18:46:36.035] front-http front-http/<NOSRV>
>>> -1/-1/-1/-1/19117 400 187 - - CR-- 49/49/0/0/0 0/0 "<BADREQ>"
>> ...
>> So after a bit more googling I found the following mail thread that
>> mentions this as some sort of tcp pre-connect behaviour by browsers:
>> http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.web.haproxy/10426
>> Has anyone come of the idea to be able to not count a connection that
>> gets opened but never used before it times out as an error?
>> Right now the problem is that while technically these are errors
>> according to the specs they kind of aren't given the real-world behavior
>> of browsers these days.
> In the case above, you had no traffic over the connection so
> "option dontlognull" will silently hide this case.

This will hide the log entries but not deal with the error count. What I
would like to do is to monitor the error count in order to detect when
errors begin to show up more frequently but with the current behavior
this isn't really possible.
What I was hoping for is something like "option donterrornull" so these
connections are not counted as errors.
I realize that this might hide legitimate "null" requests in the error
count but for this particular frontend the benefit of not counting these
connections as errors would outweigh the downsides.

In short with such an option some legitimate errors might get hidden but
without it the error count becomes just noise effectively hiding *all*
legitimate errors.


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