
I have one question which I cannot solve on my own.

In my defaults I set this options.

option httplog
option forwardfor
option http-pretend-keepalive

All of my frontends are http-frontends. Now I have a frontend, which I have
to run with mode tcp. If I reload the config I get this warnings.

root@haproxy1:~ :( # /etc/init.d/haproxy reload
> haproxy neu laden: [WARNING] 324/143744 (28779) : parsing
> [/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg:48] : 'option httplog' not usable with proxy
> 'moma_sms_01_mms' (needs 'mode http'). Falling back to 'option tcplog'.
> [WARNING] 324/143744 (28779) : config : 'option forwardfor' ignored for
> proxy 'moma_sms_01_mms' as it requires HTTP mode.
> [WARNING] 324/143744 (28779) : config : 'option http-pretend-keepalive'
> ignored for proxy 'moma_sms_01_mms' as it requires HTTP mode.

Is it possible to set the defaults that they are only applied if they are
valid or can I negate the defaults in this single frontend?




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