By default, HAProxy will use the openssl library installed on your system.
Don't forget to install the openssl dev packages as well.
And also, you have to create a self signed certificate and to put it
somewhere in your server (use the 'crt' keyword to point to it).


On Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 5:01 PM, Yosef Amir <> wrote:
> I would like that HAProxy will use the OPENSSL already installed on my
> Linux.
> I don't want to "bring" the SSL libs with HAProxy .
> Assuming I compiled HAProxy using USE_OPENSSL=1:
> Does it mean HAProxy will link to local OPENSSL on my Linux ?
> Does stats configuration  with SSL (as you sent in previous mail) will work
> ? (listen stats....      bind :8050 ssl crt /path/to/crt)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Baptiste []
> Sent: Monday, December 29, 2014 4:02 PM
> To: Yosef Amir; HAProxy
> Subject: Re: HProxy - HTTPS for Stats
> Hi Yosef,
> Please keep the ML in Cc.
> You first need to compile HAProxy to support SSL.
> Use the USE_OPENSSL compilation directive.
> Baptiste
> On Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 2:25 PM, Yosef Amir <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I get the following error :
>> # haproxy  -f /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg
>> [ALERT] 362/160119 (16836) : parsing [/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg:49] : 'bind
>> :8050' unknown keyword 'ssl'. Registered keywords :
>>     [ TCP] defer-accept
>>     [ TCP] interface <arg>
>>     [ TCP] mss <arg>
>>     [ TCP] v4v6
>>     [ TCP] v6only
>>     [ TCP] transparent (not supported)
>>     [STAT] level <arg>
>>     [UNIX] gid <arg>
>>     [UNIX] group <arg>
>>     [UNIX] mode <arg>
>>     [UNIX] uid <arg>
>>     [UNIX] user <arg>
>>     [ ALL] accept-proxy
>>     [ ALL] backlog <arg>
>>     [ ALL] id <arg>
>>     [ ALL] maxconn <arg>
>>     [ ALL] name <arg>
>>     [ ALL] nice <arg>
>>     [ ALL] process <arg>
>> [ALERT] 362/160119 (16836) : Error(s) found in configuration file :
>> /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg
>> [ALERT] 362/160119 (16836) : Fatal errors found in configuration.
>> Thanks
>> Amir Yosef
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Baptiste []
>> Sent: Monday, December 29, 2014 12:59 PM
>> To: Yosef Amir
>> Cc:; Cohen Galit
>> Subject: Re: HProxy - HTTPS for Stats
>> On Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 11:00 AM, Yosef Amir <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi ,
>>> I would like to configure stats in haproxy.config file.
>>> For http is working great.
>>> How can I configure the HAProxy stats to use HTTPS ? Does it supported?
>>> My current lab configuration for stats is :
>>> listen stats :8050
>>>         mode http
>>>         stats admin if TRUE # LOCALHOST
>>>         stats show-legends
>>>         stats uri /admin?stats #default is "/haproxy?stats"
>>>         stats refresh 5s
>>>         stats realm HAProxy\ Statistics #the "\ " sign stands for space
>>>         userlist stats-auth
>>>         group readonly users haproxy
>>>         user  haproxy  insecure-password haproxy
>>> Thanks
>>> Amir Yosef
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>> Hi Yosef,
>> You can simply bind the port using SSL and point to your certificate:
>>    listen stats
>>          bind :8050 ssl crt /path/to/crt
>>   [...]
>> Baptiste
>>   ________________________________
>> "This e-mail message may contain confidential, commercial or privileged
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