
Is it possible to rate-limit requests per-path-per-src.

Sticky-table can be type IP or type String.
tcp-request can be either connection or content.
I am not an expert and hence the doubt.
There are examples on the web but not explained if both src and path can be
checked for rate-limiting.

Below is a description of the need in raw words ;

15:44:08 ‹Leo› "Client" might do anything, like open a page, check some
data.. Those actions are fine
15:44:35 ‹Leo› But we have API
15:45:18 ‹Leo› this API url will return latest data like latest price....
15:45:47 ‹Leo› or some API will submit an order
15:46:35 ‹Leo› those actions will take many resource. So we have to limit it
15:47:14 ‹Leo› like your can't get latest price more than 10 time each
15:47:50 ‹Leo› like you can't submit an order more than 5 time each second
15:48:48 ‹Leo› but we can't limit people open page
15:48:57 ‹Leo› or doing other stuff

Long Wu Yuan 龙 武 缘
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