On 11/01/2015 02:26 μμ, RAKESH P B wrote:
> Please find updated configuration file.

From your config I only see the following redirection
redirect scheme https code 301 if !{ ssl_fc }

I placed the exact line to a frontend and fire-up curl and got back

curl -v -o - http://www.example.com/yeah
* Hostname was NOT found in DNS cache
*   Trying
* Connected to www.example.com ( port 80 (#0)
> GET /yeah HTTP/1.1
> User-Agent: curl/7.38.0
> Host: www.example.com
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
< Content-length: 0
< Location: https://www.example.com/yeah
< Connection: close

Can you share they way you are testing this?


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