
we are facing issue of haproxy consuming 100% CPU , we tried different tunings on haproxy cfg . But only solution remains is of making the nbproc > 1, which is not a permanent solution.

_Pasting the common config section:_
        maxconn 280000
        nbproc  1
        user    haproxy
        group   haproxy
        chroot  /var/lib/haproxy
        stats   socket    /var/run/haproxy.sock

        mode    http
        balance roundrobin

        maxconn                 275000
        timeout connect         5000
        timeout server          50000
        timeout client          50000

        timeout http-keep-alive 5s
        timeout http-request    15s

        retries 3
        option  redispatch
        option  abortonclose
        option  tcp-smart-accept
        option  tcp-smart-connect
        #option splice-auto

listen stats self.prv:x0x0x
        stats   enable
        stats   uri     /

Kindly suggest, any solution possible. We need fix badly , do not wish to migrate to nginx just for this reason.

p.s. Fell free to connect in case of any Query.

Thanks & Regards,
Saurabh Tiwari
Server Admin.

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