On Mon, Mar 30, 2015 at 10:11 PM, Pavlos Parissis
<pavlos.paris...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> During a stress test I discovered a drop of 5% performance at rate of
> 380K req/s when the following 3 statements were added in a frontend
> where HTTPS is not used
>     http-request add-header X-Cipher-Name %sslc
>     http-request add-header X-Cipher-Version %sslv
>     http-request add-header X-Cipher-Bits %[ssl_fc_use_keysize]
> Here is the stress result
> # wrk --timeout 3s --latency -c 1000 -d 5m -t 24
> Running 5m test @
>   24 threads and 1000 connections
>   Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   ± Stdev
>     Latency     2.31ms  815.14us  27.06ms   74.32%
>     Req/Sec    16.98k     2.25k   32.00k    85.12%
>   Latency Distribution
>      50%    2.43ms
>      75%    2.71ms
>      90%    3.15ms
>      99%    3.88ms
>   115019521 requests in 5.00m, 16.50GB read
>   Socket errors: connect 0, read 0, write 0, timeout 13264
> Requests/sec: 383420.54
> Transfer/sec:     56.31MB
> After I removed only the ssl_fc_use_keysize fetcher
>     http-request add-header X-Cipher-Bits %[ssl_fc_use_keysize]
> performance was improved by 5%, see below
> # wrk --timeout 3s --latency -c 1000 -d 5m -t 24
> Running 5m test @
>   24 threads and 1000 connections
>   Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   ± Stdev
>     Latency     2.12ms  831.01us 206.61ms   74.86%
>     Req/Sec    17.88k     2.22k   31.56k    80.62%
>   Latency Distribution
>      50%    2.30ms
>      75%    2.62ms
>      90%    2.88ms
>      99%    3.72ms
>   120947683 requests in 5.00m, 17.35GB read
>   Socket errors: connect 0, read 0, write 0, timeout 17255
> Requests/sec: 403180.76
> Transfer/sec:     59.21MB
> When I added it back but with a condition if traffic is HTTPS
> performance at that high rate of request was increased
>      http-request add-header X-Cipher-Bits %[ssl_fc_use_keysize] if
> https_traffic
> stress results:
> # wrk --timeout 3s --latency -c 1000 -d 5m -t 24
> Running 5m test @
>   24 threads and 1000 connections
>   Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   ± Stdev
>     Latency     2.07ms  823.41us  32.08ms   75.64%
>     Req/Sec    17.86k     2.27k   29.56k    81.81%
>   Latency Distribution
>      50%    2.27ms
>      75%    2.54ms
>      90%    2.76ms
>      99%    3.80ms
>   120945989 requests in 5.00m, 17.35GB read
>   Socket errors: connect 0, read 0, write 0, timeout 19828
> Requests/sec: 403177.77
> Transfer/sec:     59.21MB
> I also added the same condition for other 2 variables accessed as log
> formatters and the performance was improved even more
> stress results with
>      http-request add-header X-Cipher-Name %sslc if https_traffic
>      http-request add-header X-Cipher-Version %sslv if https_traffic
>      http-request add-header X-Cipher-Bits %[ssl_fc_use_keysize] if
> https_traffic
> # wrk --timeout 3s --latency -c 1000 -d 5m -t 24
> Running 5m test @
>   24 threads and 1000 connections
>   Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   ± Stdev
>     Latency     2.12ms    9.64ms 607.23ms   99.79%
>     Req/Sec    19.43k     3.28k   33.56k    82.82%
>   Latency Distribution
>      50%    1.95ms
>      75%    2.20ms
>      90%    2.41ms
>      99%    3.36ms
>   131646991 requests in 5.00m, 18.88GB read
>   Socket errors: connect 0, read 0, write 0, timeout 30179
> Requests/sec: 438828.20
> Transfer/sec:     64.45MB
> Lesson learned here is to either condition all your statements or pay
> attention at the context you apply a logic.
> Cheers,
> Pavlos


Just to highlight the most important point, from my point of view:
  "Requests/sec: 438828.20"

nice job man!


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