On 23/04/2015 6:01 PM, <i...@linux-web-development.de> wrote:
> Hash: SHA256
> Hi!
> I'm having trouble with one of our HAProxy-Servers that uses a backend
with TLS. When starting HAProxy the backend will report all servers as down:
>> Server web_remote/apache_rem_1 is DOWN, reason: Layer6 invalid response,
info: "SSL handshake failure",

When i see this it is usually issue with the ciphers. Can you try setting
specific cipher in the ssl backend that you know is supported by the
backend servers?

check duration: 41ms. 1 active and 0 backup servers left. 0 sessions
active, 0 requeued, 0 remaining in queue.
> My backend configuration is as follows:
> backend web_remote
>     balance         leastconn
>     option          httpchk         HEAD /
>     option          redispatch
>     retries         3
>     default-server  inter 5000 rise 2 fall 5 maxconn 10000 maxqueue 50000
>     server apache_rem_1             check maxconn 1000
maxqueue 5000 ssl ca-file /etc/ssl/web.pem
>     server apache_rem_2  2001:1:2:3:4:5:6:8:12345  check maxconn 1000
maxqueue 5000 ssl ca-file /etc/ssl/web.pem
> This backend worked just fine until now, a quick wget on the server also
worked and openssl s_client reports the certificate of the backend to be
> I couldn't find anything on the list except that the error would be due
to SSL_ABORT, but I'm not sure what this is supposed to tell me...
> Is there anything else for HAProxy/TLS that could be configured wrong?
How could I debug this issue when everything else reports the handshake was
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