Hello Phil,

On 5/12/2015 8:54 AM, Phil Daws wrote:
the issue is that if I go to the web site via HTTPS, which does not pass 
through a CDN, then the correct client IP is being passed through but if I go 
via HTTP its the CDN's IP which is being presented.  When I was using 
real_ip_header x-forward-for then it would work fine, but that broke the HTTPS 
side of things.  Some how need to get the x-forward-for IP, if its present, 
into the proxy_protol one.  Is that possible ?

Thanks, Phil

What you should be able to do is set differenet real_ip_header for each, as you have two server{} blocks in nginx, one for HTTP and one for HTTPS. Since real_ip_header is supported in server{} level, you can set it to x-forwarded-for in case of HTTP and proxy_protocol in case of HTTPS.



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