On 2015-05-21 18:20, Remi Gacogne wrote:

from what I've seen in the sources and documentation a default and
pre-generated prime will be used as default (unless appended to the
certificate). HAProxy uses the related functions provided by OpenSSL
itself (get_rfc3526_prime_2048, ...). What I miss here is an option to
specify my own dhparams file to avoid using those pre-generated ones
and/ore appending some to all certificates. Wouldn't it make sense to
allow it to be read from a file, globally?

I don't think the 2048-bit MODP group 14 used by Haproxy is at risk
right now, still it can't hurt to use a large number of different groups.
You can use your own dhparam by appending it to the file specified with
the crt command, after your certificate chain and key.

Well, I meant globally, as default.

    tune.ssl.default-dh-param /path/to/custom/dhparams.pem

2048 was just an example. There is 1024 and IIRC 768 as well. One might be forced to use 1024. Also, according to the documentation HAProxy wouldn't allow/use anything greater than tune.ssl.default-dh-param which is 1024 by default - unless I misunderstood something.

Christian Ruppert

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