On Mon, Jul 13, 2015 at 7:22 AM, Bowen Ni <bowen1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> With Lua integration in HAProxy 1.6, one can change the request method,
> path, uri, header, response header etc except response line.

Hi Bowen,

You can already change the fields above using HAProxy 1.6 statements:
http-request and http-response.

You don't need lua for this, unless your changes are complicated and
you can find a converter which does the transformation you need:

> I'd like to contribute the following methods to allow modification of the
> response line.

Actually, that's right, HAProxy, there are currently no "http-response
set-return-code" in haproxy.

I let the LUA experts answer you on the rest of the mail :)


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