
there is no performance drop of loading from a file or directly in the
config file.
That said, if you have multiple ACLs with the same name loading many
IPs, then you'll perform as many lookups as you have ACLs... While
loading content from a file would perform a single lookup.
Anyway, there should not be any noticeable performance impact, since
IP lookup is very quick in HAProxy (a few hundred of nano second in a
tree of 1.000.000 IPs).

Concerning comments, any string after a dash '#' is considered as a
comment and not loaded in the ACL.


On Sat, Aug 15, 2015 at 8:28 AM, Nathan Williams <nath.e.w...@gmail.com> wrote:
> We use a file for about 40 cidr blocks, and don't have any problems with
> load speed. Presumably large means more than that, though.
> We use comments as well, but they have to be at the beginning of their own
> line, not tagged on after the address.
> On Fri, Aug 14, 2015, 9:09 PM CJ Ess <zxcvbn4...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> When doing a large number of IP based ACLs in HAProxy, is it more
>> efficient to load the ACLs from a file with the -f argument? Or is just as
>> good to use multiple ACL statements in the cfg file?
>> If I did use a file with the -f parameter, is it possible to put comments
>> in the file?

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