
I am using haproxy-1.5.14 and sometimes I see the following errors in the log:

Oct  7 08:33:03 srv1 haproxy[77565]: unix:1 [07/Oct/2015:08:33:02.428] MT-front 
MT_RU_EN-back/<NOSRV> 0/1000/-1/-1/1000 503 212 - - sQ-- 125/124/108/0/0 0/28 
"POST /some/url HTTP/1.1"
(many similar at one moment)

Common part in these errors is "1000" in Tw and Tt, and "sQ--" termination 

Here is the relevant part on my config (I can post more if needed):

    balance roundrobin
    maxconn 10000
    timeout queue 1s
    fullconn 3000
    default-server inter 5s downinter 1s fastinter 500ms fall 3 rise 1 
slowstart 60s maxqueue 1 minconn 5 maxconn 150

backend MT_RU_EN-back
    mode http
    timeout server 30s
    server mt1-34 mt1-34:19016 track MT-back/mt1-34 weight 38
    server mt1-35 mt1-35:19016 track MT-back/mt1-35 weight 38
    <total 18 of similar servers>

So this error log indicates that request was sitting in the queue for timeout 
queue==1s and his turn did not come.

In the stats web interface for MT_RU_EN-back backend I see the following 

Sessions: limit=3000, max=126 (for the whole backend)
Limit=150, max=5 or 6 (for each server)

If I understand minconn/maxconn meaning right, each server should accept up to 
min(150, 3000/18) connections

So according to stats the load were far from limits.

What can be the cause of such errors?


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