Hi Everyone,

I wouldlike to set up a postfix-dovecot with HA using HAproxy but im facing issues.

I've followed this documentation :

http://wiki2.dovecot.org/HAProxy (pour dovecot)
http://blog.haproxy.com/2012/06/30/efficient-smtp-relay-infrastructure-with-postfix-and-load-balancers/ (pour postfix)

Package's version :

    dovecot : 2:2.2.19 (>= 2.2.19 pour proxy protocol)
    haproxy : 1.5.14
    postfix : 2.11.2-1 (>2.10 pour postscreen)

A part of my configuration  :

listen smtp
bind mail.xx.xx:465
balance roundrobin
timeout client 1m
timeout connect 5s
no option http-server-close
mode tcp
option smtpchk
option tcplog
server tst tst.xxx:10465 send-proxy
server tst2 tst2.xxx:10465 send-proxy
server tst3 tst3.xxx:10465 send-proxy

listen imap
bind mail.xxx.xx:993
timeout client 1m
no option http-server-close
balance leastconn
stick store-request src
stick-table type ip size 200k expire 30m
mode tcp
option tcplog
server tst tst.xxx:10993 send-proxy-v2
server tst2tst2.xxx:10993 send-proxy-v2
server tst3 tst3.xxx:10993 send-proxy-v2


postix main.cf
#Haproxy proxy protocol
postscreen_upstream_proxy_protocol = haproxy

postfix master.cf
10465 inet n – n – 1 postscreen
smtpd pass – – n – – smtpd


haproxy_timeout = 5 secs
haproxy_trusted_networks = x.x.x.x
inet_listener imap_haproxy {
    haproxy = yes
    port = 10993

With my mail client :

With an IMAP connection, logs below, i don't understand why my login is empty ...

dovecot: imap-login: Disconnected: Too many invalid commands (no auth attempts in 0 secs): *user=<>*, rip=mon_ip_publique, lip=ip_publique_haproxy, session= xxx

With a SMTP connection, logs below, i have a timeout.

postfix/postscreen[16654]: CONNECT from [my public ip]:49942 to [my haproxy public ip]:465 postfix/postscreen[16654]: PREGREET 166 after 0 from [mon ip publique]:49942: \22\3\1\161\1\157\3\3+0E\b\213\131\177\173>\r/\213\177i\223k”FjA#\144\145\153\vP\\\155HL\190

If someone could help me, thanks.

Kind regards.

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