Hi all,

I have a HAproxy 1.5 setup which offloads SSL in front of multiple webservers.
My SSL certificate is a wildcard and we are balancing to different backends 
based on the FQDN.

My frontend config look like this :
frontend my-frontend
    bind              ip:443 ssl crt /var/etc/haproxy/wildcard_domain_org.pem  
    mode           http
    log                global
    option          httplog
    option          forwardfor

    use_backend     my-backend      if { ssl_fc_sni my.domain.org }
    use_backend     my-backend2     if { ssl_fc_sni my2.domain.org }

    # Fallback for non-SNI clients
    acl             is-domain   hdr(host) -i my.domain.org
    acl             is-domain2  hdr(host) -i my2.domain.org
    use_backend     my-backend if is-domain
    use_backend     my-backend2 if is-domain2

I wanted to know if :
- ssl_fc_sni perform faster than HTTP Header extraction?
- HAProxy will check my ACLs sequentially and use the SNI one if it matches 
without evaluating the hdr(host) ones?


Thibaut A.

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