Hi haproxy list,

For testing purposes i am trying to 'modify' a response of a webserver but only having limited success. Is this supposed to work? As a more usefull goal than the current LAL to TST replacement i imagine rewriting absolute links on a webpage could be possible which is sometimes problematic with 'dumb' webapplications..

Or is it outside of the current scope of implemented functionality? If so, it on the 'lua todo list' ?

I tried for example a configuration like below. And get several different results in the browser.
-Sometimes i get 4 times TSTA
-Sometimes i see after the 8th TSTA- Connection: keep-alive << this happens most of the time.. -Sometimes i get 9 times TSTA + STOP << this would be the desired outcome (only seen very few times..)

Probably due to the response-buffer being filled differently due to 'timing'..

The "connection: keep-alive" text is probably from the actual server reply which is 'appended' behind the response generated by my lua script.?. However shouldn't the .done() prevent that from being send to the client?

Ive tried putting a loop into the lua script to call res:get() multiple times but that didnt seem to work.. Also to properly modify a page i would need to know all changes before sending the headers with changed content-length back to the client..

Can someone confirm this is or isn't (reliably) possible? Or how this can be scripted in lua differently?

Thanks in advance,

## haproxy.cfg
listen proxyresponse
    bind :10006
    mode http
    http-response lua.luahttpresponse
    server x

## script.lua
  function luahttpresponse(txn)
    local response2 = txn.res:get()
    response2 = string.gsub(response2,"LAL","TST")
core.register_action("luahttpresponse" , { "http-res" }, luahttpresponse);

## webpage.aspx , with 2.7KB output.
<%@ Page Language="C#" %>
<% var x = new String('x', 250);
x = "<input type=\"hidden\" value=\""+x+"\" />"; %>
1 -LALA- <% Response.Write(x); %>
2 -LALA- <% Response.Write(x); %>
3 -LALA- <% Response.Write(x); %>
4 -LALA- <% Response.Write(x); %>
5 -LALA- <% Response.Write(x); %>
6 -LALA- <% Response.Write(x); %>
7 -LALA- <% Response.Write(x); %>
8 -LALA- <% Response.Write(x); %>
9 -LALA- <% Response.Write(x); %>

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