Hey all,

I'm currently investigating some possible crashing in 1.5.14.

I really hate to call it a crash since I've never seen haproxy crash in my
life until now, but the process is suddenly not running and I can't figure
out why.

I've checked syslogs and puppet logs (and now disabled puppet) and anything
else that could stop the process for any reason. There are no messages
related to haproxy stopping at all.

I turned haproxy logging up to debug but there's nothing in the log when it
happens. I keep a stats page reloading on my desktop, so the log has entries
for those requests, and then suddenly nothing.

The issue doesn't seem related to load; under load testing the issue doesn't
manifest (not right away anyway) and it does manifest under no load at all.

The config is extremely simple; I'm happy to post it if anyone's interested.
But it's not doing anything interesting.

I've now enabled core dumps and even have it running under valgrind memcheck
but unfortunately I haven't gotten it to happen since I did that.

The binary is one I compiled from source in order to build an RPM, using the
haproxy.spec from the CentOS 6.5 haproxy-1.4.24-2.el6.src.rpm, slightly
tweaked. For valgrind I also added CFLAGS="-g -O0".

I really hope I can figure out that it's my fault. Barring that, I hope I
can ferret out an issue with haproxy and contribute that to the community
that has been so helpful to me. (Although you won't see a patch from me; I'm
no developer! :) )

So this message may seem premature since I haven't found anything, but I'm
sending it:

1. To ask if there's a known bug that could cause this
2. To give a heads up that I may have found something
3. To ask for any recommendations on how to determine what's happening

Thanks in advance,

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