Affect verions: at least 1.5.15 and 1.6.2

Here is the related part in my configuration:
    timeout client          15m  # 客户端响应超时
    timeout client-fin      10s  # 对客户端连接完成 TCP 4 次挥手超时
    timeout connect         5s   # HAProxy 向后端 Server 建立连接时的等候超时
    timeout server          15m  # 服务器端响应超时
    timeout server-fin      5s   # 对后端 Server 连接完成 TCP 4 次挥手超时
    timeout http-keep-alive 5m   # http keep-alive 
连接空闲(等待下一请求到达)保持超时(对前后端均有效,影响 http-reuse 选项)
    timeout http-request    15s  # http 请求 *头部* 接收超时(对前后端均有效)

And I found after upgraded to 1.6.2 and 1.5.15, my haproxy server offen using 
100% CPU. For example, here is the CPU usage graph of today:

I trace with pidstat (per 30 seconds) and haproxy debug level logging, And I 
found this record in the log:
    Nov 19 08:35:12 WD-G0-SRP1 haproxy[28267]: 
[19/Nov/2015:08:19:39.265] https-in~ g0n0/n0 724/0/0/1/933585 200 45430 - - 
CD-- 13/12/2/2/0 0/0 "GET /lib/libbaiy/charcode.mapping/chs.json HTTP/1.1"
    Nov 19 14:53:51 WD-G0-SRP1 haproxy[28267]: 
[19/Nov/2015:14:38:12.435] http-in WebSvr/ws0 0/0/1/2/939161 200 41488 - - CD-- 
52/21/0/0/0 0/0 "GET /app/wderp.apk HTTP/1.0"

These are the only two records show 15 minutes timeout today, and they are both 
at the and of the cpu usage spike. I believe this is not a coincidence. May be 
something is broken in the newest version of haproxy here?


   Best Regards
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