
I don't have a sparc box with solaris for testing. You can try to build
HAproxy by youself. I use this script for build HAProxy for ARM. This
should run on Solaris with some changes.

NB_PROC=<your number of CPUs>


# names of latest versions of each package
export HAPROXY_VERSION=1.6.3
export VERSION_PCRE=pcre-8.38
export VERSION_LIBRESSL=libressl-2.3.2

# URLs to the source directories
export SOURCE_LIBRESSL=ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/LibreSSL/
export SOURCE_PCRE=ftp://ftp.csx.cam.ac.uk/pub/software/programming/pcre/
export SOURCE_HAPROXY=http://www.haproxy.org/download

# clean out any files from previous runs of this script
rm -rf build
mkdir build

# proc for building faster
NB_PROC=$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo)

# ensure that we have the required software
#sudo apt-get -y install curl wget build-essential libgd-dev
libgeoip-dev checkinstall git

# grab the source files
echo "Download sources"
wget -P ./build "${SOURCE_PCRE}${VERSION_PCRE}.tar.gz"
wget -P ./build "${SOURCE_LIBRESSL}${VERSION_LIBRESSL}.tar.gz"
wget -P ./build "${SOURCE_HAPROXY}/$(echo $HAPROXY_VERSION | cut -d. -f

# expand the source files
echo "Extract Packages"
cd build || exit 1

tar xfz "${VERSION_HAPROXY}.tar.gz"
tar xfz "${VERSION_LIBRESSL}.tar.gz"
tar xfz "${VERSION_PCRE}.tar.gz"
cd ../ || exit 1

export BPATH="${PWD}/build"

# build static LibreSSL
echo "Configure & Build LibreSSL"
cd "${STATICLIBSSL}" || exit 1
./configure --prefix="${STATICLIBSSL}/_openssl/" --enable-shared=no &&
make install-strip -j "${NB_PROC}"

# build pcre
cd "${STATICLIPCRE}" || exit 1
./configure --prefix="${STATICLIPCRE}/_pcre" --enable-shared=no
--enable-utf8 --enable-jit
make -j "${NB_PROC}"
make install

echo "Build HAProxy"
cd "${BPATH}/${VERSION_HAPROXY}" || exit 1

make \
-j "${NB_PROC}" \
TARGET=linux2628 \
PCRE_LIB="${STATICLIPCRE}/_pcre/lib" \
PCRE_INC="${STATICLIPCRE}/_pcre/include" \
SSL_INC="${STATICLIBSSL}/_openssl/include" \
SSL_LIB="${STATICLIBSSL}/_openssl/lib" \
DEFINE="-fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -Wformat
-Werror=format-security -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2"

echo "All done."
echo "become root and type: "
echo " cp build/haproxy-${HAPROXY_VERSION}/haproxy /usr/local/sbin"

On 02.03.2016 02:51, Samuel Crowell wrote:
> I noticed that ya’ll have the binaries for HAProxy 1.4, is there any plan to 
> build the executables for newer versions (1.6, etc.)?
> It’s hard for me to build from source at work due to missing required 
> libraries.  It would be nice if I still had the option to grab a version 
> already compiled for Solaris.
> Thanks for the help and your product is great.
> Sam Crowell

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