On 3/29/2016 4:56 PM, Colin Leavett-Brown wrote:
> I have the following haproxy configuration:
>     global
>       daemon
>       maxconn 2048
>       tune.ssl.default-dh-param 1024
>     defaults
>       mode http
>       timeout connect 5000ms
>       timeout client 50000ms
>       timeout server 50000ms
>     frontend keystone_public
>       bind beaver.heprc.uvic.ca:15000 ssl crt
>     /etc/pki/tls/private/web_crt_key.pem
>       reqadd X-Forwarded-Proto:\ https
>       default_backend keystone_internal
>     backend keystone_internal
>       redirect scheme https code 301 if !{ ssl_fc }
>       server beaver beaver:5000 check


> However, a request using the wrong scheme gives the following:
>     root@chimpanzee:/home/uvic# curl beaver.heprc.uvic.ca:15000
>     curl: (52) Empty reply from server
>     root@chimpanzee:/home/uvic# curl http://beaver.heprc.uvic.ca:15000
>     curl: (52) Empty reply from server
>     root@chimpanzee:/home/uvic#

You can't make a non-SSL request to the port listening with SSL.  It
won't understand regular HTTP.  This is how SSL works; it is not a
limitation or bug in haproxy.

You can only set up a redirect on a different frontend, listening on
another port WITHOUT SSL.  And to do that, I would put the redirect in
the frontend, not the backend.

Here's a slightly redacted example of what I'm saying:

frontend fe-services-80
        description Front end that accepts non-ssl requests
        bind 70.xxx.yyy.75:80
        redirect scheme https if !{ ssl_fc }
        capture request header host len 32

frontend fe-services-443
        description Front end that accepts SSL requests
        bind 70.xxx.yyy.75:443 ssl crt
/etc/ssl/certs/local/services.nc.combined.pem no-sslv3 alpn http/1.1 npn
        capture request header host len 32
        default_backend be-services-8443

backend be-services-8443
        description Back end for prod services requests.
        cookie NOTSHOWN insert indirect nocache
        server frontier ssl weight 100 cookie frontier
track chk-8443/frontier
        server fremont ssl weight 100 cookie fremont
track chk-8443/fremont


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