Hi Sachin,

(due to email troubles on my side this may look like a new thread, sorry
about that)

> We have quite a few regex and acls in our config, is there a way to profile
> haproxy and see what could be slowing it down?

You can use strace for syscalls or ltrace for library calls to see if something in particular shows up, but perf may be the better tool for this job (I never
used it though).

Like Pavlos said, lets collect some basic informations first:

- haproxy -vv output
- uname -a
- configuration (replace proprietary informations but leave everything else intact)
- does TLS resumption correctly work? Check with rfc5077-client:

git clone https://github.com/vincentbernat/rfc5077.git
cd rfc5077
make rfc5077-client

./rfc5077-client <server>

There's a chance that it is SSL/TLS related.



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