
would it be possible to inherit the SSL information from a SSL listener/frontend via PROXY protocol?
So for example:

listen ssl-relay
    mode tcp


    server rsa unix@/var/run/haproxy_ssl_rsa.sock send-proxy-v2

listen ssl-rsa_ecc
    mode tcp


bind unix@/var/run/haproxy_ssl_rsa.sock accept-proxy ssl crt SSl-RSA.PEM user haproxy

frontend http_https
    bind :80 # http
bind unix@/var/run/haproxy_ssl.sock accept-proxy user haproxy # https

    redirect scheme https code 301 if !{ssl_fc}

Here the ssl_fc and other SSL related ACLs do not work because the actual SSL termination has been done in the above ssl-rsa_ecc listener. Sharing that either internally or via the PROXY protocol would be really handy, if that's possible. For now we use the bind "id" to check whether it's the proxy connection or not but the above would be much easier/better IMHO.

Christian Ruppert

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