Then trying to gracefully reload haproxy often it fails to reload saying
that it cannot bind to sockets. From what i see the old process does not
close the listening sockets, and thus replacement process fails. Trying to
send old haproxy process SIGTTOU and actualy any other maskable signal does
not have any affect. The old process keeps on serving data correctly the
only thing that to reload configuration SIGKLILL is required which is a
show stoppper for us.

This happens both with haproxy 1.5  and 1.6 (so any of the new 1.6 features
we use seem unrelated to the cause). We tried all 1.6 versions including
latest 1.6.4

During then we stripped the configuration to minimum (mainly removed all
acls) it seemed stable (thought we did not test long enough to be 100% sure
it helped)

Any ideas what could be the reason for this?


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