I would like to implement the following simple scenario, all the tests I
have done unfortunately have failed (bad SSL requests, error 502...):
- Using SSL passthrough for the top level domain (mydomain.com) as the web
application is already presenting a wildcard SSL certificate for this domain.
- Offloading SSL on haproxy just for the subdomains (a SSL certificate
matching with *.sub01.mydomain.com for example).

Here is a simple configuration example showing the case:

frontend FE-https
        bind ssl crt /etc/ssl/certs/sub01.mydomain.com.pem
        mode    http
        acl is_sub01 hdr_end(host) -i sub01.mydomain.com
        use_backend BE-sub01 if is_sub01
        default_backend BE-default

# SSL Offloading for *.sub01.mydomain.com
backend BE-sub01
        mode    http
        server  srv1 

# SSL passthrough for *.mydomain.com
backend BE-default
        mode    http
        server  srv1 ssl verify none

To summarize, I would like to provide or not the right SSL certificate per
backend (depending on the url).
Thanks for your help :)

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