❦  8 juin 2016 12:42 CEST, Andrew Kroenert <akroen...@tripadvisor.com> :

> Im having issues with haproxy’s systemd service under puppet control.
> Ive implemented the systemd service from haproxy contrib folder, which
> has the ExecStartPre command to check the config.
> This works for Starts, but not restarts, and while afaik reload does
> not reload if the config file is invalid, it doesn’t seem to inform
> you that it hasn’t actually reloaded.
> My current thoughts are to possibly run another wrapper (bash?) which
> does this check and passes to haproxy-systemd-wrapper OR implement the
> check command directly in haproxy-systemd-wrapper itself.
> Anyone have any other thoughts about how to do this in systemd?

Just add ExecReload=/usr/sbin/haproxy -f /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg -c -q
before the existing ExecReload.
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