
Some further info.

The two configs are below, old and new, the differences are minor:

listen Load-Balancer-oldapp
        bind *:5041
        mode http
        balance roundrobin

        stats enable
        stats hide-version
        stats refresh 20s
        stats show-node
        stats admin if TRUE

                stick-table type ip size 1m expire 1h
                stick on src

        option httpclose
        option forwardfor

        option httpchk GET /forms/frmservlet?config=oldapp

        http-check expect status 200
        http-check disable-on-404

       server hostingapp2_5041  check
        server hostingapp3_5041  check
        option redispatch

listen Load-Balancer-newapp
        bind *:5051
        mode http
        balance roundrobin

        stats enable
        stats hide-version
        stats refresh 20s
        stats show-node
        stats admin if TRUE

                stick-table type ip size 1m expire 1h
                stick on src

        option httpclose
        option forwardfor

        option httpchk GET /forms/frmservlet?config=newapp

        http-check expect status 200
        http-check disable-on-404

        server sh1hostingapp4_5051
        server sh1hostingapp5_5051

        option redispatch

When I take the IP, port and path from those configs and combine them for 
testing I end up with four URLS

If I access all four of those URLs with lynx to show the headers from the 
command line on the haproxy server I get the same result from each server, 
instantaneous response and HTTP 200 status.

[root@HAProxy1 ~]# lynx -head -dump
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Sun, 07 Aug 2016 19:01:32 GMT
Server: Oracle-Application-Server-11g
Cache-Control: no-cache,no-store
Content-Length: 5496
X-ORACLE-DMS-ECID: 00ia1Oq3joKFw00Fzzw0w00001Co001zZk
X-Powered-By: Servlet/2.5 JSP/2.1
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Language: en

[root@HAProxy1 ~]# lynx -head -dump
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Sun, 07 Aug 2016 18:59:29 GMT
Server: Oracle-Application-Server-11g
Cache-Control: no-cache,no-store
Content-Length: 5505
X-ORACLE-DMS-ECID: 00ia1OihrRjDsXH6yvnZ6G0001mS004H^5
X-Powered-By: Servlet/2.5 JSP/2.1
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Language: en

But the haproxy stats page reports L7 timeout if we add in a check on the new 
app setup.

Any ideas what I need to check next?

Kind Regards,

John Lanigan
CORE | * +353 (0)25 41400   |  * 
john.lani...@coresoftware.ie<mailto:john.lani...@coresoftware.ie>    |  ?   

From: John Lanigan [mailto:john.lani...@coresoftware.ie]
Sent: Thursday 4 August 2016 22:55
To: haproxy@formilux.org
Subject: Problem with health checking


I've been running  haproxy 1.4.24 on centos 6.5 for over 2 years, load 
balancing a pair of Oracle 11g app servers on Windows 2008r2.

It's worked perfectly the entire time.  We have recently built two new app 
servers, same version of Oracle 11g on Windows 2012R2.

For health checking we check for http status 200 on the homepage of the 

For the new servers the health checking is failing.  We are getting a layer 7 
timeout.  However when I try and access the page using either curl or lynx it 
downloads instantly with status 200.

Any tips as to where I go from here in troubleshooting would be great.  I've 
checked and double checked the config and the only difference for this load 
balancer over the existing ones is the IP and port numbers.

Right now we are load balancing without health checking, but obviously that's 
not a solution.

Any suggestions would be great, thanks in advance


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