Am 11-08-2016 13:49, schrieb Rahul Shivalkar:

I am using HAProxy.

Which version of HAProxy?

haproxy -vv

I have Apache tomcat cluster, ElasticSearch cluster and OrientDB Cluster,
every node is on different machine having different IP address.

I have configured 3 HAProxies, 1 for tomcat, 1 for elastic and 1 for
orientdb having same configuration(except IPs).

Please can you show the config.

HAProxy is working fine for OrientDb and elastic but not for Tomcat.
HAProxy for tomcat is not redirecting to tomcat nodes giving no error on browser.

Well some logs (haproxy, tomcat) would be helpfully ;-)
Ah and when you send the server.xml could also not be that wrong.

Yust a short shot.
Do you use the HTTP-port to talk with tomcat or the ajp port?

Please help me. Thanks in advance.

With some more information I'm sure that the community can help you ;-)

BR aleks

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