Hello Raghu,

On Thu, Nov 10, 2016 at 01:30:05PM +0530, Raghu Udiyar wrote:
> Hello
> We have developed a generic service (using python gevent) to serve as an
> agent check service for Haproxy. Its extensible via plugins for application
> feedback, and supports result cacheing, json expressions, arithmetic, regex
> match, and fallback in case of failure.
> The source is here : https://github.com/helpshift/herald
> Blog post here :
> https://engineering.helpshift.com/2016/herald-haproxy-loadfeedback-agent/
> Hope this is useful for the haproxy community.

This is excellent, thank you for contributing this!

We used to work on something more or less similar a few years ago but
missed the time needed to complete it. We wanted to combine multiple
checks and report aggregated statuses. The haproxy check code was not
ready by then so we had to postpone. It's true that the agent is much
more versatile for such use cases now.

I'm having a few questions : did you miss anything from haproxy when
doing this ? For example, did you have to workaround the impossibility
to do something via the agent just because of the agent protocol or
because of some validity checks performed by haproxy ? I'm asking
because if we have to perform very minor tweaks, better do them before
the release. Do you think you could benefit from "agent-send" so that
the same agent is used for multiple servers, when haproxy would then
indicate with the connection for what server it is connecting ? If so,
would an automatic string such as "agent-send-name" sending the backend
and the server name be an useful improvement for this ?

Do you want me to add a link to the main haproxy page, and if so to
what location ?


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