Add a json parameter to show (info|stat) which will output information
in JSON format. A follow-up patch will add a JSON schema which describes
the format of the JSON output of these commands.

The JSON output is without any extra whitespace in order to reduce the
volume of output. For human consumption passing the output through a
pretty printer may be helpful.

$ echo "show info json" | socat /tmp/haproxy.stat stdio | \
     python -m json.tool

STAT_STARTED has bee added in order to track if show output has begun or
not. This is used in order to allow the JSON output routines to only insert
a "," between elements when needed. I would value any feedback on how this
might be done better.

Signed-off-by: Simon Horman <>

For the simple configuration below a comparison of the size of info
and stats output is as follows:

$ show info       =>                      1654 bytes
$ show info typed =>                      7081 bytes
$ show info json  =>                     45331 bytes
$ show info json (pretty printed[*]) => 113390 bytes

$ show info       =>                      527 bytes
$ show info typed =>                      937 bytes
$ show info json  =>                     5330 bytes
$ show info json (pretty printed[*]) => 11456 bytes

[*] pretty printed using python -m json.tool

--- begin config ---
        stats socket /tmp/haproxy.stat mode 600 level admin
        pidfile /tmp/
        log /dev/log local4
        tune.bufsize 16384
        tune.maxrewrite 1024

        mode http
        balance roundrobin
        timeout connect 4000
        timeout client 42000
        timeout server 43000
        log global

listen VIP_Name
        bind transparent
        mode http
        balance leastconn
        cookie SERVERID insert nocache indirect
        server backup backup  non-stick
        option http-keep-alive
        option forwardfor
        option redispatch
        option abortonclose
        maxconn 40000
        log global
        option httplog
        option log-health-checks
        server RIP_Name  weight 100  cookie RIP_Name agent-check 
agent-port 12345 agent-inter 2000 check port 80 inter 2000 rise 2 fall 3  
minconn 0 maxconn 0s on-marked-down shutdown-sessions disabled
        server RIP_Name  weight 100  cookie RIP_Name agent-check 
agent-port 12345 agent-inter 2000 check port 80 inter 2000 rise 2 fall 3  
minconn 0 maxconn 0s on-marked-down shutdown-sessions
--- end config ---

 src/stats.c | 231 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 231 insertions(+)
 doc/management.txt    |  45 ++++++---
 include/types/stats.h |   2 +
 src/stats.c           | 247 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 3 files changed, 278 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/management.txt b/doc/management.txt
index c8ba0e379e4a..4934c575a543 100644
--- a/doc/management.txt
+++ b/doc/management.txt
@@ -1743,16 +1743,18 @@ show errors [<iid>|<proxy>] [request|response]
 show backend
   Dump the list of backends available in the running process
-show info [typed]
+show info [typed|json]
   Dump info about haproxy status on current process. If "typed" is passed as an
   optional argument, field numbers, names and types are emitted as well so that
   external monitoring products can easily retrieve, possibly aggregate, then
   report information found in fields they don't know. Each field is dumped on
-  its own line. By default, the format contains only two columns delimited by a
-  colon (':'). The left one is the field name and the right one is the value.
-  It is very important to note that in typed output format, the dump for a
-  single object is contiguous so that there is no need for a consumer to store
-  everything at once.
+  its own line. If "json" is passed as an optional argument then
+  information provided by "typed" output is provided in JSON format as a
+  list of JSON objects. By default, the format contains only two columns
+  delimited by a colon (':'). The left one is the field name and the right
+  one is the value.  It is very important to note that in typed output
+  format, the dump for a single object is contiguous so that there is no
+  need for a consumer to store everything at once.
   When using the typed output format, each line is made of 4 columns delimited
   by colons (':'). The first column is a dot-delimited series of 3 elements. 
@@ -1829,6 +1831,16 @@ show info [typed]
       6.Uptime.2:MDP:str:0d 0h01m28s
+  The format of JSON output is described in a schema which may be output
+  using "show schema json" (to be implemented).
+  The JSON output contains no extra whitespace in order to reduce the
+  volume of output. For human consumption passing the output through a
+  pretty printer may be helpful. Example :
+  $ echo "show info json" | socat /var/run/haproxy.sock stdio | \
+    python -m json.tool
 show map [<map>]
   Dump info about map converters. Without argument, the list of all available
   maps is returned. If a <map> is specified, its contents are dumped. <map> is
@@ -1960,11 +1972,12 @@ show sess <id>
   The special id "all" dumps the states of all sessions, which must be avoided
   as much as possible as it is highly CPU intensive and can take a lot of time.
-show stat [{<iid>|<proxy>} <type> <sid>] [typed]
-  Dump statistics using the CSV format, or using the extended typed output
-  format described in the section above if "typed" is passed after the other
-  arguments. By passing <id>, <type> and <sid>, it is possible to dump only
-  selected items :
+show stat [{<iid>|<proxy>} <type> <sid>] [typed|json]
+  Dump statistics using the CSV format; using the extended typed output
+  format described in the section above if "typed" is passed after the
+  other arguments; or in JSON if "json" is passed after the other arguments
+  . By passing <id>, <type> and <sid>, it is possible to dump only selected
+  items :
     - <iid> is a proxy ID, -1 to dump everything. Alternatively, a proxy name
       <proxy> may be specified. In this case, this proxy's ID will be used as
       the ID selector.
@@ -2097,6 +2110,16 @@ show stat [{<iid>|<proxy>} <type> <sid>] [typed]
+  The format of JSON output is described in a schema which may be output
+  using "show schema json" (to be implemented).
+  The JSON output contains no extra whitespace in order to reduce the
+  volume of output. For human consumption passing the output through a
+  pretty printer may be helpful. Example :
+  $ echo "show stat json" | socat /var/run/haproxy.sock stdio | \
+    python -m json.tool
 show stat resolvers [<resolvers section id>]
   Dump statistics for the given resolvers section, or all resolvers sections
   if no section is supplied.
diff --git a/include/types/stats.h b/include/types/stats.h
index 48cf645fc278..d801b221a7d8 100644
--- a/include/types/stats.h
+++ b/include/types/stats.h
@@ -23,11 +23,13 @@
 /* Flags for applet.ctx.stats.flags */
 #define STAT_FMT_HTML   0x00000001      /* dump the stats in HTML format */
 #define STAT_FMT_TYPED  0x00000002      /* use the typed output format */
+#define STAT_FMT_JSON   0x00000004      /* dump the stats in JSON format */
 #define STAT_HIDE_DOWN  0x00000008     /* hide 'down' servers in the stats 
page */
 #define STAT_NO_REFRESH 0x00000010     /* do not automatically refresh the 
stats page */
 #define STAT_ADMIN      0x00000020     /* indicate a stats admin level */
 #define STAT_CHUNKED    0x00000040      /* use chunked encoding (HTTP/1.1) */
 #define STAT_BOUND      0x00800000     /* bound statistics to selected 
proxies/types/services */
+#define STAT_STARTED    0x01000000     /* some output has occurred */
 #define STATS_TYPE_FE  0
 #define STATS_TYPE_BE  1
diff --git a/src/stats.c b/src/stats.c
index 497aa4779077..8c0e3d688cc8 100644
--- a/src/stats.c
+++ b/src/stats.c
@@ -229,6 +229,7 @@ static struct field stats[ST_F_TOTAL_FIELDS];
  * http_stats_io_handler()
  *     -> stats_dump_stat_to_buffer()     // same as above, but used for CSV 
  *        -> stats_dump_csv_header()      // emits the CSV headers (same as 
+ *        -> stats_dump_json_header()     // emits the JSON headers (same as 
  *        -> stats_dump_html_head()       // emits the HTML headers
  *        -> stats_dump_html_info()       // emits the equivalent of "show 
info" at the top
  *        -> stats_dump_proxy_to_buffer() // same as above, valid for CSV and 
@@ -239,6 +240,7 @@ static struct field stats[ST_F_TOTAL_FIELDS];
  *           -> stats_dump_be_stats()
  *           -> stats_dump_html_px_end()
  *        -> stats_dump_html_end()       // emits HTML trailer
+ *        -> stats_dump_json_end()       // emits JSON trailer
@@ -294,6 +296,45 @@ int stats_emit_typed_data_field(struct chunk *out, const 
struct field *f)
+/* Emits a stats field value and its type in JSON.
+ * Returns non-zero on success, 0 if the buffer is full.
+ */
+int stats_emit_json_data_field(struct chunk *out, const struct field *f)
+       char buf[20];
+       const char *type, *value = buf, *quote = "";
+       switch (field_format(f, 0)) {
+       case FF_EMPTY: return 1;
+       case FF_S32:   type = "\"s32\"";
+                      snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", f->u.s32);
+                      break;
+       case FF_U32:   type = "\"u32\"";
+                      snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%u", f->u.u32);
+                      break;
+       case FF_S64:   type = "\"s64\"";
+                      snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%lld", (long long)f->u.s64);
+                      break;
+       case FF_U64:   type = "\"u64\"";
+                      snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%llu",
+                               (unsigned long long) f->u.u64);
+                      break;
+       case FF_STR:   type = "\"str\"";
+                      value = field_str(f, 0);
+                      quote = "\"";
+                      break;
+       default:       snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%u", f->type);
+                      type = buf;
+                      value = "unknown";
+                      quote = "\"";
+                      break;
+       }
+       return chunk_appendf(out,
+                            ",\"value\":{\"type\":%s,\"value\":%s%s%s}",
+                            type, quote, value, quote);
 /* Emits an encoding of the field type on 3 characters followed by a delimiter.
  * Returns non-zero on success, 0 if the buffer is full.
@@ -337,6 +378,53 @@ int stats_emit_field_tags(struct chunk *out, const struct 
field *f, char delim)
        return chunk_appendf(out, "%c%c%c%c", origin, nature, scope, delim);
+/* Emits an encoding of the field type as JSON.
+  * Returns non-zero on success, 0 if the buffer is full.
+  */
+int stats_emit_json_field_tags(struct chunk *out, const struct field *f)
+        const char *origin, *nature, *scope;
+        switch (field_origin(f, 0)) {
+        case FO_METRIC:  origin = "Metric";  break;
+        case FO_STATUS:  origin = "Status";  break;
+        case FO_KEY:     origin = "Key";     break;
+        case FO_CONFIG:  origin = "Config";  break;
+        case FO_PRODUCT: origin = "Product"; break;
+        default:         origin = "Unknown"; break;
+        }
+        switch (field_nature(f, 0)) {
+        case FN_GAUGE:    nature = "Gauge";    break;
+        case FN_LIMIT:    nature = "Limit";    break;
+        case FN_MIN:      nature = "Min";      break;
+        case FN_MAX:      nature = "Max";      break;
+        case FN_RATE:     nature = "Rate";     break;
+        case FN_COUNTER:  nature = "Counter";  break;
+        case FN_DURATION: nature = "Duration"; break;
+        case FN_AGE:      nature = "Age";      break;
+        case FN_TIME:     nature = "Time";     break;
+        case FN_NAME:     nature = "Name";     break;
+        case FN_OUTPUT:   nature = "Output";   break;
+        case FN_AVG:      nature = "Avg";      break;
+        default:          nature = "Unknown";  break;
+        }
+        switch (field_scope(f, 0)) {
+        case FS_PROCESS: scope = "Process"; break;
+        case FS_SERVICE: scope = "Service"; break;
+        case FS_SYSTEM:  scope = "System";  break;
+        case FS_CLUSTER: scope = "Cluster"; break;
+        default:         scope = "Unknown"; break;
+        }
+        return chunk_appendf(out,
+                             "\"tags\":{"
+                                 "\"origin\":\"%s\","
+                                 "\"nature\":\"%s\","
+                                 "\"scope\":\"%s\""
+                             "}", origin, nature, scope);
 /* Dump all fields from <stats> into <out> using CSV format */
 static int stats_dump_fields_csv(struct chunk *out, const struct field *stats)
@@ -381,6 +469,113 @@ static int stats_dump_fields_typed(struct chunk *out, 
const struct field *stats)
        return 1;
+/* Dump all fields from <stats> into <out> using the "show info json" format */
+static int stats_dump_json_info_fields(struct chunk *out,
+                                      const struct field *info)
+       int field;
+       int started = 0;
+       if (!chunk_strcat(out, "["))
+               return 0;
+       for (field = 0; field < INF_TOTAL_FIELDS; field++) {
+               if (!field_format(info, field))
+                       continue;
+               if (started && !chunk_strcat(out, ","))
+                       return 0;
+               started = 1;
+               if (!chunk_appendf(out,
+                                 "{"
+                                     "\"field\":{"
+                                         "\"pos\":%d,"
+                                         "\"name\":\"%s\""
+                                     "},"
+                                     "\"processNum\":%u,",
+                                 field, info_field_names[field],
+                                 info[INF_PROCESS_NUM].u.u32))
+                       return 0;
+               if (!stats_emit_json_field_tags(out, &info[field]))
+                       return 0;
+               if (!stats_emit_json_data_field(out, &info[field]))
+                       return 0;
+               if (!chunk_strcat(out, "}"))
+                       return 0;
+       }
+       if (!chunk_strcat(out, "]"))
+               return 0;
+       return 1;
+/* Dump all fields from <stats> into <out> using a typed 
"field:desc:type:value" format */
+static int stats_dump_fields_json(struct chunk *out, const struct field *stats,
+                                 int first_stat)
+       int field;
+       int started = 0;
+       if (!first_stat && !chunk_strcat(out, ","))
+               return 0;
+       if (!chunk_strcat(out, "["))
+               return 0;
+       for (field = 0; field < ST_F_TOTAL_FIELDS; field++) {
+               const char *obj_type;
+               if (!stats[field].type)
+                       continue;
+               if (started && !chunk_strcat(out, ","))
+                       return 0;
+               started = 1;
+               switch (stats[ST_F_TYPE].u.u32) {
+               case STATS_TYPE_FE: obj_type = "Frontend"; break;
+               case STATS_TYPE_BE: obj_type = "Backend";  break;
+               case STATS_TYPE_SO: obj_type = "Listener"; break;
+               case STATS_TYPE_SV: obj_type = "Server";   break;
+               default:            obj_type = "Unknown";  break;
+               }
+               if (!chunk_appendf(out,
+                                 "{"
+                                     "\"objType\":\"%s\","
+                                     "\"proxyId\":%d,"
+                                     "\"id\":%d,"
+                                     "\"field\":{"
+                                         "\"pos\":%d,"
+                                         "\"name\":\"%s\""
+                                     "},"
+                                     "\"processNum\":%u,",
+                                 obj_type, stats[ST_F_IID].u.u32,
+                                 stats[ST_F_SID].u.u32, field,
+                                 stat_field_names[field],
+                                 stats[ST_F_PID].u.u32))
+                       return 0;
+               if (!stats_emit_json_field_tags(out, &stats[field]))
+                       return 0;
+               if (!stats_emit_json_data_field(out, &stats[field]))
+                       return 0;
+               if (!chunk_strcat(out, "}"))
+                       return 0;
+       }
+       if (!chunk_strcat(out, "]"))
+               return 0;
+       return 1;
 /* Dump all fields from <stats> into <out> using the HTML format. A column is
  * reserved for the checkbox is ST_SHOWADMIN is set in <flags>. Some extra info
  * are provided if ST_SHLGNDS is present in <flags>.
@@ -1021,15 +1216,26 @@ static int stats_dump_fields_html(struct chunk *out, 
const struct field *stats,
 int stats_dump_one_line(const struct field *stats, unsigned int flags, struct 
proxy *px, struct appctx *appctx)
+       int ret;
        if ((px->cap & PR_CAP_BE) && px->srv && (appctx->ctx.stats.flags & 
                flags |= ST_SHOWADMIN;
        if (appctx->ctx.stats.flags & STAT_FMT_HTML)
-               return stats_dump_fields_html(&trash, stats, flags);
+               ret = stats_dump_fields_html(&trash, stats, flags);
        else if (appctx->ctx.stats.flags & STAT_FMT_TYPED)
-               return stats_dump_fields_typed(&trash, stats);
+               ret = stats_dump_fields_typed(&trash, stats);
+       else if (appctx->ctx.stats.flags & STAT_FMT_JSON)
+               ret = stats_dump_fields_json(&trash, stats,
+                                            !(appctx->ctx.stats.flags &
+                                              STAT_STARTED));
-               return stats_dump_fields_csv(&trash, stats);
+               ret = stats_dump_fields_csv(&trash, stats);
+       if (ret)
+               appctx->ctx.stats.flags |= STAT_STARTED;
+       return ret;
 /* Fill <stats> with the frontend statistics. <stats> is
@@ -2252,6 +2458,23 @@ static void stats_dump_html_end()
        chunk_appendf(&trash, "</body></html>\n");
+/* Dumps the stats JSON header to the trash buffer which. The caller is 
+ * for clearing it if needed.
+ */
+static void stats_dump_json_header()
+       chunk_strcat(&trash, "[");
+/* Dumps the JSON stats trailer block to the trash. The caller is responsible
+ * for clearing the trash if needed.
+ */
+static void stats_dump_json_end()
+       chunk_strcat(&trash, "]");
 /* This function dumps statistics onto the stream interface's read buffer in
  * either CSV or HTML format. <uri> contains some HTML-specific parameters that
  * are ignored for CSV format (hence <uri> may be NULL there). It returns 0 if
@@ -2275,6 +2498,8 @@ static int stats_dump_stat_to_buffer(struct 
stream_interface *si, struct uri_aut
        case STAT_ST_HEAD:
                if (appctx->ctx.stats.flags & STAT_FMT_HTML)
+               else if (appctx->ctx.stats.flags & STAT_FMT_JSON)
+                       stats_dump_json_header(uri);
                else if (!(appctx->ctx.stats.flags & STAT_FMT_TYPED))
@@ -2323,8 +2548,11 @@ static int stats_dump_stat_to_buffer(struct 
stream_interface *si, struct uri_aut
                /* fall through */
        case STAT_ST_END:
-               if (appctx->ctx.stats.flags & STAT_FMT_HTML) {
-                       stats_dump_html_end();
+               if (appctx->ctx.stats.flags & (STAT_FMT_HTML|STAT_FMT_JSON)) {
+                       if (appctx->ctx.stats.flags & STAT_FMT_HTML)
+                               stats_dump_html_end();
+                       else
+                               stats_dump_json_end();
                        if (bi_putchk(rep, &trash) == -1) {
                                return 0;
@@ -2751,6 +2979,7 @@ static int stats_send_http_redirect(struct 
stream_interface *si)
        return 1;
 /* This I/O handler runs as an applet embedded in a stream interface. It is
  * used to send HTTP stats over a TCP socket. The mechanism is very simple.
  * appctx->st0 contains the operation in progress (dump, done). The handler
@@ -3020,6 +3249,8 @@ static int stats_dump_info_to_buffer(struct 
stream_interface *si)
        if (appctx->ctx.stats.flags & STAT_FMT_TYPED)
                stats_dump_typed_info_fields(&trash, info);
+       else if (appctx->ctx.stats.flags & STAT_FMT_JSON)
+               stats_dump_json_info_fields(&trash, info);
                stats_dump_info_fields(&trash, info);
@@ -3092,6 +3323,8 @@ static int cli_parse_show_info(char **args, struct appctx 
*appctx, void *private
        if (strcmp(args[2], "typed") == 0)
                appctx->ctx.stats.flags |= STAT_FMT_TYPED;
+       else if (strcmp(args[2], "json") == 0)
+               appctx->ctx.stats.flags |= STAT_FMT_JSON;
        return 0;
@@ -3118,9 +3351,13 @@ static int cli_parse_show_stat(char **args, struct 
appctx *appctx, void *private
                appctx->ctx.stats.sid = atoi(args[4]);
                if (strcmp(args[5], "typed") == 0)
                        appctx->ctx.stats.flags |= STAT_FMT_TYPED;
+               else if (strcmp(args[5], "json") == 0)
+                       appctx->ctx.stats.flags |= STAT_FMT_JSON;
        else if (strcmp(args[2], "typed") == 0)
                appctx->ctx.stats.flags |= STAT_FMT_TYPED;
+       else if (strcmp(args[2], "json") == 0)
+               appctx->ctx.stats.flags |= STAT_FMT_JSON;
        return 0;

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