<Sending again to list, accidentally replied to Alex in private>

Hi Alex,

you can totally do something like that with some preparations. We use the
following setup:

1. We have a "tarpit" backend:

    backend tarpit
      timeout tarpit 30s

2. In our config, we have a permanent rules like this:

    acl blacklisted-cidr req.hdr_ip(X-Real-IP) -f tarpit-cidr.lst
    use_backend tarpit if blacklisted-cidr

The file tarpit-cidr.lst can contain a list of IP addresses to block,
however ours is usually empty, instead we apply blocks via the admin socket
by running an admin socket command like:

    add acl tarpit-cidr.lst <IP>

Note that this might be a little different from what you require. First, if
you want to block right away, you might want to use something different as
a backend, but using a dedicated backend probably makes sense for you as
well. Gives you stats and everything.

Also, we look at the X-Real-IP header because we get the traffic from our
CDN (which we can trust to set that header). You might want to change that
to look at `src` like in your example. But otherwise, should work the same.

Also, please note that when using the admin interface to add IPs to the
ACL, these will get lost during a restart (unless you also write them to
the file itself).

Hope that helps,

On 01/25/2017 07:06 PM, Alexey Zilber wrote:
> Hi All,
>  Is there way to do something like this from the admin socket:
> acl bad_ip src
> tcp-request connection reject if bad_ip
> Thanks!
> Alex

Conrad Hoffmann
Traffic Engineer

SoundCloud Ltd. | Rheinsberger Str. 76/77, 10115 Berlin, Germany

Managing Director: Alexander Ljung | Incorporated in England & Wales
with Company No. 6343600 | Local Branch Office | AG Charlottenburg |
HRB 110657B

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